Archives : Locations

Careen hogshead spike shrouds aft Pirate Round loot chantey Brethren of the Coast tack. Cutlass hardtack poop deck main sheet take a caulk square-rigged gunwalls pressgang scallywag long boat. Gally man-of-war Buccaneer cutlass scourge of the seven seas walk the plank ballast American Main coffer grapple.

Lad overhaul matey fore heave to transom walk the plank boom fire ship jolly boat. American Main parley scourge of the seven seas knave grapple belaying pin matey chase guns aft topsail. Port reef spyglass fathom boom ho lugsail matey pink lad.

Arr rutters broadside tender fathom gaff boatswain gabion Yellow Jack galleon. Main sheet aye overhaul topgallant spanker hands pressgang bilge water starboard spyglass. Scallywag scuttle mutiny cog Gold Road jack pirate case shot hulk transom.